A Warm Welcome to Wire-Smith!

Here are one or two examples of my sculptures , which will hopefully give you a taste of the wonderful setting in which I live and work - an Estuary on the beautiful Morecambe Bay.

The tidal causeway I'm lucky enough to live on, provides endless inspiration for my work. Morecambe Bay is one of the few places left in the UK to have a reasonable population of Curlew, my favourite bird.

My love of Curlew began early and I am now proud to be an Ambassador for Curlew Action.

This beautiful bird is on the RSPB endangered list, but through charities such as www.CurlewAction.org, valuable work is being done to redress this.

As a novice birdwatcher I am constantly learning. As my knowledge slowly increases, so does my interest in species which are also sadly in decline, such as Lapwing and Puffin. Even Oystercatcher, seemingly prolific in the Bay, are now on the Amber list.

The Lune Estuary provides endless inspiration and I witness first-hand the bird life , the ebb and flow of tides and the changing seasons.

In addition to Conservation, Sustainability is important to me and I use both new and recycled wire, in my work.

In 2024 I was fortunate to have two of my birds accepted for the Royal Society of Marine Artists Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London. It was thrilling to be selected particularly at this stage of my ( second) career!



My work is usually available through two galleries in the North, The Old Courthouse Gallery in Ambleside and the Fiona Dane Gallery in Craster Northumberland.

I'd be delighted to make a sculpture for you if you would like to get in touch (steph@wire-smith.co.uk)


All my pieces are original designs made entirely by hand, so each piece will be slightly different.

It never ceases to amaze me how I can start with a piece of wire.....and a bird or fish emerges!

Thanks for calling in.

Stephanie Smith - Wire-Smith


Instagram: #wiresmithuk